Keegan McAllister
May 15, 2015
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Types are first-class values
Argument type can depend on value of prior argument
fn foo(T: type, n: usize, v: &Vec(T, n)) { ... }
Why might we want this in Rust?
Known in industry as design by contract.
Fits perfectly in Rust syntax!
fn index(T: type, x: &[T], i: usize) -> &T where i < x.len() { ... }
This binary tree is always in search order:
fn range(lo: isize, hi: isize) -> type { those x: isize where lo <= x && x < hi } enum Tree(lo: isize, hi: isize) { Empty, Node { val: range(lo, hi), left: Tree(lo, val), right: Tree(val, hi), }, }
Subtyping based on logical implication is undecidable.
Compiler asks an “off-the-shelf” theorem prover.
Answer is “yes”, “no”, or “maybe” (⇒ check at runtime).
Refinement extensions exist for C, ML, Haskell, C#, F#
miTLS (live demo) is a verified SSL/TLS stack.
They found a protocol bug too!
A different approach to dependent types.
Calculus of constructions + generalized algebraic data types
Programs are proofs (Curry-Howard correspondence)
Programs are correct by construction
Each enum
constructor specifies its type.
enum Nat { Zero: Nat, Succ(Nat): Nat, } enum Vec(T: type, len: Nat) { Nil: Vec(T, Nat::Zero), Cons(T, Vec(T, len)): Vec(T, Nat::Succ(len)), }
enum Equal(T: type, a: T, b: T) { Refl: Equal(T, a, a), } struct Refine(T: type, p: T -> bool) { value: T, proof: Equal(bool, true, p(value)), } fn range(lo: isize, hi: isize) -> type { Refine(isize, |x| lo <= x && x < hi) } enum Tree ... // as before
Hand-written proofs based on pattern matching.
Help from editor integration or automated “proof tactics”.
Coq supports compiling to Haskell, OCaml, Scheme...
How about Rust? Work is underway.
Sounds like a fantasy...
So did “concurrent memory safety for C++”.
What will Rust and its offspring look like in another decade?
Pierce et al. Software Foundations.
Free online w/ machine-guided exercises!
Norell & Chapman. “Dependently Typed Programming in Agda”
The Idris documentation.
Pierce. (2002). Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press.
Gronski, J., Knowles, K., Tomb, A., Freund, S. N., & Flanagan, C. (2006). Sage: Hybrid checking for flexible specifications. Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop (pp. 93-104).
Harper, R. (2012). Practical Foundations for Programming Languages (draft online). Cambridge University Press.
Löh, A., McBride, C., & Swierstra, W. (2010). A tutorial implementation of a dependently typed lambda calculus. Fundamenta informaticae, 102(2), pp. 177-207.
Ou, X., Tan, G., Mandelbaum, Y., & Walker, D. (2004). Dynamic typing with dependent types. Exploring New Frontiers of Theoretical Informatics (pp. 437-450). Springer US.
Pierce, B. (Ed.) (2005). Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press.
Rondon, P. M., Kawaguci, M., & Jhala, R. (2008). Liquid types. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 43(6), pp. 159-169.
Wadler, P., & Findler, R. B. (2009). Well-typed programs can’t be blamed. Programming Languages and Systems (pp. 1-16). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.